No-Kill Private Animal Shelter Dog Walkers – Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition
Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition
Dog friendly individuals needed to walk dogs in their spare time.
Help with the meal and clothing pantry services in our homeless Drop-In Center
Tutor, assist with recreational activities, and take care of children in the homeless family shelter
Take clients shopping in the food pantry.
Assist with meal preparation, service, and clean up in the soup kitchen
Assist youth to lay a foundation for academic success by providing assistance to a child in need of academic assistance. Homework Helpers spend one hour per week with a child in Foster Care, Residential Treatment or Community Schools on a set day, depending on the availability of the volunteer.
Through a partnership with the Michael Reese Health Trust, Children’s Home + Aid has been given the opportunity to provide a special experience for veterans who are willing to mentor our youth.
Children’s Home + Aid’s Adult Connections program helps youth aging out of foster care find stable housing, education, employment and the knowledge and skills necessary to access healthcare and other resources once they reach adulthood. A volunteer “Success Coach” with the Adult Connections Team will provide foster youth with social and emotional support during an…
Build a relationship with a child in need of a positive adult role model. Provide support and fun to a child who closely matches your interests, background, and personality. Mentoring can include tutoring, career exploration, life skills development, cultural or entertainment events. The ultimate goal is to enhance the child’s physical, intellectual and social growth.
Vibha is a volunteer driven non-profit organization dedicated to create a brighter future for underprivileged children. The Chicago Action Center has a group of energetic and enthusiastic volunteers from all walks of life. This group came together by a strong belief that we can positively impact the future of India – even from half way…
Community Renewal Society (CRS) is a faith-based organization that works with people and communities to address racism and poverty. CRS transforms society towards greater justice and compassion. We can almost always use volunteers to help around the office from stuffing envelopes to editing videos and working with social media.