No-Kill Private Animal Shelter Dog Walkers – Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition
Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition
Dog friendly individuals needed to walk dogs in their spare time.
Volunteers needed to help sort and distribute donations.
Volunteers offer homework help.
If time does not permit for friendly visiting, but you would like to help, we offer our telephone reassurance program. As a volunteer you would call a few seniors each week to chat. A friendly phone call can be the reassuring voice to brighten a senior’s day.
Our teleconference system enables seniors to participate in activities they enjoy, while speaking with others who hold the same interests. Book Clubs and Bingo are currently offered. Would you like to facilitate a new group?
Seniors benefit greatly from friendly companionship. A once a week visit to chat, play cards or take a slow walk through the neighborhood can really make a difference.
BLOOD DONOR CENTER–make phone calls to donors to remind them of appointments, visit waiting areas to recruit donors, assist with blood drives as needed.
MUSICIAN PROGRAM–entertain patients at bedside and/or visitors in waiting areas with soothing music played on guitar, flute, violin, etc. Instruments must be portable. Audition or demo tape required.
REACH OUT AND READ–read to children awaiting medical appointments.
If you are Bilingual, you can help your community by becoming a Bilingual Volunteer at NYHQ. As a Bilingual Volunteer you will play a very important role. You would: Help patients and families understand what is happening during their stay in the hospital. Help patients feel more comfortable and secure. If you have ever been…
No prior experience is needed, Glen Oaks Volunteer Ambulance Corps will provide training and sponsorship for the New York State EMT class. In-house and Department of Health training programs are provided.