No-Kill Private Animal Shelter Dog Walkers – Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition
Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition
Dog friendly individuals needed to walk dogs in their spare time.
Individual Client Services provides for clients using a casework process that may include financial assistance, counseling, health-related support and reunification services.
This is a national youth preparedness program offered in Red Cross regions across the country. The 40-60 minute presentation provides emergency preparedness education to youth in grades 3-5 (ages 8-11) in school classrooms and other settings. Numerous tools have been developed for this program including a standardized curriculum, workbook, quizzes and activities which have been…
Aid Communications department to promote Red Cross services and programs, campaigns, events across the Los Angeles Region.
Through the Disaster Action Team (DAT) or during large-scale responses, to assist the Red Cross in delivering its mission to provide emergency relief to those affected by disasters.
This volunteer position is designed to inform Spanish- Language Los Angeles public about the important work of the American Red Cross and the success we in our day to day work.
Assist Red Cross Blood Services staff at local Blood Drives.
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INVISIBLE RIVER is an arts advocacy organization that uses aerial dance performances to connect community members to our rivers. INVISIBLE RIVER hosts an annual river arts festival, which will be on Saturday, August 29, 2015. The festival combines dance, boating, and community engagement to encourage environmental stewardship of our rivers! During the festival, the main focuses…