Tagged Eric Clapton

A place to keep up with latest news on AREENA.

Email #20: Where is Stephen Hawking When You Need Him? (4/22/16)

You get on a cross-country flight and sit down. Next to you is an empty seat. You stare at it, knowing it’s soon to be occupied and the occupant will greatly determine the next five hours of your life. Will they be loud? Obnoxious? Drunk? Just plain old stupid? One thing you can almost guarantee, they won’t be Stephen…


Email #10: Clapton, a Castle & the Areenatoring (2/12/16)

Mentor. Webster’s defines it as someone who teaches or gives advice to a less experienced and often younger person. But it’s more than that. Way more. Mentoring means taking who you are – ALL your knowledge and ALL your experience – and sharing it with someone to make their life easier. It’s investing something that is…



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