Tagged Donald Trump

A place to keep up with latest news on AREENA.

Email #17: Infrastructural Insanity, Volume II (4/1/16)

A few months ago I wrote about “Infrastructural Insanity”. That piece focused on our roads, airports and energy systems, all of which are in various states of disrepair. (Evidenced by this week’s piece in The Wall Street Journal.) This week, Volume II, looks at our nation’s crumbling bridges. On March 21st, The Today Show reported that almost 60,000 bridges in this country (54,985 to…


Email #6: A Candidate, A Concert & “New York Values” (1/15/16)

This week Ted Cruz criticized Donald Trump and his “New York values.” It got me thinking. What does this guy know about about New York values? Here’s a story for him. It’s November 2001. I’m at The Garden. Couple of months after 9/11. NYC is recovering. NYC is tough. We don’t stay down. That attack left us deeper, tougher,…



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