No-Kill Private Animal Shelter Dog Walkers – Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition
Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition
Dog friendly individuals needed to walk dogs in their spare time.
Help clients create resumes and fill out job applications at the East New York Clubhouse.
Help adults with developmental disabilities with arts and crafts, assist with weekend trips and cheer on the bowling team.
Help adolescents earn their High School equivalency degree or prepare for college.
Help adults with a mental illness improve their computer or communication skills and achieve their goals. Learn more about becoming a regular volunteer on Tuesday nights at Metro Club PROS. Generally, Metro Club PROS Open Houses are held on Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 pm at 25 Chapel Street, Suite 1204, in Brooklyn. Please contact Nia Beresford,…
Help to beautify our TLC urban garden on Community Workday! The garden is located near our TLC women’s shelter at 116 Williams Avenue in Brooklyn. This open volunteer event is held nearly every Saturday from 11am-2pm.
Use your knowledge of the Russian language to serve seniors through the Jewish Association Serving the Aging.
Lead a Tai Chi class for seniors through the Jewish Association Serving the Aging.
Kitchen Assistant needed for Jewish Association Serving the Aging.
Lead an Exercise class for seniors through the Jewish Association Serving the Aging.
Clerical Volunteer needed for Jewish Association Serving the Again.