That company is Pret A Manger. Their slogan?
That’s $3 billion a week.
Half a billion a day!
Every hour, every single hour, Americans toss $200 million of food into the trash.
Here is a company, Pret A Manger, that said enough is enough. They’re doing what’s right in a world where so few seem to be doing so. The organizations they have partnered with include City Harvest, Boston Rescue Mission, Rescuing Leftover Cuisine and New England Center and Home for Veterans. They are the good guys.
- It makes sense.
- It’s the right thing to do.
In 2015 we launched Everybody Eats, our campaign to alleviate hunger. Over the course of our day spent in each of New York City’s five boroughs we saw first hand the power a single meal can have. The looks on the faces of families at Project Hospitality in Staten Island and seniors at MMCC in the Bronx reflected the overwhelming joy they felt knowing somebody cared about their well-being.
The food is there. No one in this country should go a day without it.